Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Theme Thursday=Kiss

A Kiss is just a kiss or is it?

Most of us think of a kiss as a form of endearment, but it can and has been so much more. In the Holy Bible, Judas used the kiss as a sign of betrayal of Jesus. I suppose that is where we get the term “kiss of death”. Also in the Holy Bible New Testament we are instructed to greet each other with a holy kiss.

When traveling in Europe, especially in France, you see people greeting each other with a kiss on each cheek. And there is nothing more thrilling than having a Frenchman greet you by taking your hand and kissing it. In Paris during a trip there eight years ago I first saw lovers kissing freely on the street. It only took a few days of being there to get accustomed to that. I thought it was so romantic, than everything is romantic in Paris.

There is nothing sweeter than the kisses you receive from a toddler or giving kisses to a baby. Even though my oldest grandson is twenty-six years old he still likes me to give him what he calls “butterfly kisses” on his cheek. Some might ask what are “butterfly kisses"? It all started when he was a baby and I would give him a very fast series of kisses on his little cheek. When he became old enough to talk, he said they felt to him like the fluttering of butterfly wings.

Whether a kiss is given to a child, or a greeting or to a lover they all make us happy. So give someone a kiss (if you don’t believe in kisses than try a hug) today it might lower their level of stress.


Anonymous said...

I thought of the kiss of Judas when thinking about the theme- probably the most famous kiss in history.

here's french greeting from today- mmwah!

New Yorker wannabes said...

In Greece we kiss someone we meet on each cheek. You're right, kisses are a great way of expressing ones-self lol

A kiss to you from Greece then :)

Baino said...

Strange that a kiss can be such a betrayal. Butterfly kisses in our house are tickling with your eyelashes. I used to have a problem with the European thing about kissing virtual strangers on the cheek but I quite like it now. I have a Macedonian friend who's a one two three on the cheek and a huge bear hug to follow . .Lubly

Ruth said...

I've often wondered if kissing is instinctive, or cultural.

My husband just read an article in the New Yorker about the Gospel according to Judas that was found a couple decades ago, and it is written there that Jesus asked him to do the betrayal thing, for whatever reason. Interesting, no?

California Girl said...

You are right. Kissing is endearing, sweet and thrilling. Your post made me remember my first kiss from a Frenchman back in 1971. I met this gorgeous guy while backpacking who took my girlfriend and I to the Waterloo monument at the end of our day touring about. He kissed me at the top of the hill and he was gooood. He wanted more. Didn't get it. But I still remember his name: Alain.

Leah said...

There are other interpretable kisses of betrayal in the Hebrew Bible, too-very interesting. (see II Samuel 20)

Anonymous said...

"butterfly kisses", I like that!

Betsy Brock said...

I know a French man, and he does greet me by kissing my hand...even here in the States. It's charming!

Brian Miller said...

a kiss is so much more...T will be home in a bit so I'll let her know i am just following your

Ed & Jeanne said...

A kiss is endearing and a stress reducer. And then you get on the Paris roundabouts and the stress comes right back at ya! Ugghh

Harnett-Hargrove said...

Brings up more and more questions, no? -Jayne

Reyjr said...

in some countries you kiss once on one cheek. in some once on each cheek. in others 3 times.

for us Filipinos it's hand to the forehead as a sign of respect for elders. :D

Debo Hobo said...

I alway, for the most part; great everyone with a hug. I not big on kisses, excpet the ones I get from my nephew Thad.

Debo Hobo said...

Okay I'm not totally grammatically challenged. So here's my comment rewritten.

I always, for the most part greet everyone with a hug. However, I am not big on kisses, except the ones I get from my nephew Thad.

Wings1295 said...

Wonderful interpretations. I remember kisses from my grandmother, too. Sweet memories.

Kris McCracken said...

Poor Judas, he gets a bad rap. He was just playing his part...

Bobbie said...

Very true. Great writing.

Feisty Crone said...

The best kisses I get come from my grandchildren--and the kisses I give them in return!

Sandy said...

Great post.....kisses are different things to different people, for sure.

Sandy said...

And who doesn't remember their first kiss?!

Dot-Com said...

How true it all is. Kisses are so many things, and a kiss on the cheek is a most wonderful greeting :-)