Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Theme Thursday=Button

In January I did a blog critiquing The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. So, if you would like to read it just click on the highlighted title. Instead I am displaying two grouping of different types of buttons that are a representative part of my life.

The first grouping of buttons represent the time in my life when I did a lot of sewing. When my three oldest daughters(yes, Debo Hobo is one of these daughters) were young I always made a lot of their clothes. Matter of fact at this time of the year I was very busy making all their new clothes for the start of the school year. A few days before school started my modeling daughters would put on their new clothing and act like the hallway of our house was a runway. They would prance down the hall into the living room make their turns and return to their bedrooms to change into more outfits..... Pleasant memories.

This second grouping of buttons are representative of my high school reunion, the town where I live and raised my five children, my professional life, my religious life, my traveling life ( Paris is my favorite city), my military mother life( third daughter served as a nurse in the Air Force at that time), my love of history and the ambiance of candles.

Another use for buttons is embellishment on cards and scrapbook pages. I don't have a representative photo to show you. I have used buttons a few times in that capacity, but I need to do it more often. Because they add an interesting textural character to scrapbook layout pages.


Bobbie said...

I love the sewing buttons. Brings back many great memories. I like how you carried to to buttons(pinned) for causes, or messages. Great work with this prompt

Anonymous said...

DB very nice and personal take on the theme. Thanks for the share and visit and Hapyy TT!

Alan Burnett said...

You are quite right : buttons are very evocative of memories.

Tess Kincaid said...

Nice buttons! I love old buttons and keep mine in an old tackle box, sorted according to color.

Baino said...

I remember button tins but I think not being a seamstress' arsehole I must have tossed them at some stage. I seem to have a stack of little plastic bags full of buttons . . you know the ones that come with shirts and the like. Badge buttons . .yeh, I have a few . .I pin them on the cork board in my toilet. Having a wee at my place is quite entertaining.

Wings1295 said...

Haven't seen the movie yet.

As for the sewing buttons and button buttons, very nice! A little peek inside? :)

Ed & Jeanne said...

Nice. I get a tourist button (they also call them lapel pins) from every place I visit. My daughter has a big bulletin board with all of them on there. It's a neat collage...

Betsy Brock said...

I love both groups! I have a jar of old buttons and can name the clothes they used to be on. Those old theme or campaign buttons are really cool!

Harnett-Hargrove said...

I love the idea of a whole story, an entire memory conjured up in a button-pin. -Jayne

CocoDivaDog said...

Sweet memories of your daughters modeling their new school clothes...I used to do the same when I was that time flies!

The Silver Fox said...

I liked the second grouping, but there was something undeniably quaint about the first group as well!

(Word verification is "haste?")

Dot-Com said...

I had similar modeling days too when my mum made new clothes for me. Good memories!

Liza B. Gonzalez said...

I love how this theme has pushed so many people's memory button. Thanks for sharing!

Jaime said...

i was never any good at sewing buttons. i generally jabbed my fingers through the fabric and threw the needle down in disgust. i'm so undomestic it's scary...

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

I have seen these amazing scrapbook pages with all the button embellishments...truly adorable.

dreamhaven said...

Buttons are wounderful thins. Thanks for sharing yours.

dreamhaven said...

Oh,man did I mess that up.
Wonderful things. So tired.

Kris McCracken said...

Buttons can be annoying when the are on the back of the baby's clothes.

Debo Hobo said...

We walked the catwalk every school year. What was neat was we would all have different outfits from the same fabric.

Nice buttons Mummzy!

Ruth said...

A fun post on buttons!

That image of the girls parading in their new school clothes is terrific. I remember doing that (though my mom didn't make them).